QuikRead go HbA1c is a reliable and effective test for the quantitative determination of HbA1c at the point of care
A new poster about QuikRead go® HbA1c is out now!
A new poster about QuikRead go® HbA1c is out now! A study conducted in the Netherlands shows that QuikRead go HbA1c is very well comparable to established IFCC and NGSP reference methods. QuikRead go HbA1c also shows repeatable results from patient samples which indicates that QuikRead go is a reliable and effective method for the quantitative determination of HbA1c in the POC.
Download the new poster here: QuikRead go HbA1c poster July 2022

Improved management of diabetes with QuikRead go HbA1c
QuikRead go HbA1c is an easy to use and reliable point of care test for diabetes management. The quantitative HbA1c result is available in less than 6 minutes. More information about QuikRead go HbA1c can be found from QuikRead go HbA1c product page.