Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has a role in COVID-19

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an important threat to global health1. AMR should not be overlooked despite understandable focus on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. An increasing body of opinion indicates that AMR may have a role in COVID-192-4.
Firstly, a significant number of the deceased COVID-19 patients have had secondary bacterial infections like is common for other several viral infections5-9. In severe viral respiratory infections, the immune system is weakened, and respiratory system exposed to other pathogens. In such cases, if a hospitalized patient is infected with resistant bacteria, consequences can be fatal. There are indications of increase in resistant bacterial infections such as MRSA in hospitals during the outbreaks of novel emerging pathogens such as previous SARS epidemics10,11. It bears further investigation if the resistant bacteria have influenced the COVID-19 situation for example in Italy, where hospitals have been shown to have significant AMR-related problems12.
Secondly, prophylactic antibiotics are often used to prevent secondary bacterial infections of the hospitalized patients as is the case also in COVID-197,8,13-15. This can significantly increase the use of antibiotics during the pandemic and silently cause the emergence of resistant bacteria, as was recently commented by Prof. Anu Kantele from University of Helsinki4.
The actual role of antimicrobial resistance in COVID-19 may be revealed in the future. However, AMR as such is an important threat to global health although it develops more silently compared to COVID-19. The fight against AMR calls for collective global actions on various levels, as has now been rapidly done in COVID-19.1, 2, 16, 17.
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